And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." -- Mark 16:15

Willie & Del Gley
Ghana/Togo, Africa

H. Willie Gley, is a graduate of Brown trail and Heritage Christian University in Florence, Alabama. He returned to Ghana with his family in 1993 and worked with the Nsawam Road Church of Christ and the National Bible Institute a preacher Training school. Since returning to Ghana Willie has coordinated World bible school activities in Ghana.
In 1996, Willie extended his work to Togo a French speaking country. He helped to start the French World Bible School and Center for Biblical Studies (CBS), a school of preaching in Kpalime. This school has graduated 65 preachers since its inception, baptized over about two thousand souls and established twenty five congregations.
In 2012, Willie established Mars Hill Christian Academy- a preschool in Golokuati in the Volta Region of Ghana. The school exists to give the less fortunate children an affordable preschool education. The school presently has a seventh grade class with a total population of two hundred and twenty five kids. About two years ago the school established a scholarship scheme to bring relief to parents who are having challenges paying their wards school fees. Belt Line Rd Church of Christ in Irving, Texas and Singing Oaks in Denton, TX have provided funding for the kids to attend school.
In order to encourage the preachers in Kpalime and its environs, Willie approached the trustees of the White Rock Fund in Dallas to support twenty preachers. Some of these men teach in the school of preaching and also preach for a local congregation, some work with the Gospel Chariot- an evangelism van provided by Gospel Chariot Mission in South Africa, two of the preachers work with the Church of Christ Literature Center in the city of Kpalime, two preachers also manage the Legacy Farms near kpalime, one is responsible for the Livestock and the other teaches the students how to grow organic vegetables.
In order to equip the students at the Bear Valley School of Preaching with skills to support them after graduation, Livestock and Organic farming project has been developed on a five acre land in Gbalave a village about seven kilometers from Kpalime. The project started with a Piggery and a vegetable garden. Legacy Farm will in the future include the following on the farm- Poultry, rabbit, snail, goat and sheep.
I am grateful to the Belt Line Road church of Christ for the quarterly financial support for my efforts in Ghana and Togo and above all Mission Printing providing a container of tracts each year to facilitate evangelism in GHANA.

Rohan & Sandra Jones
Cape Town, South Africa

Rohan Jones labors among 6 congregations in South Africa, aided by his ever-present wife and helper Sandra. They operate a weekly soup kitchen out of the home of a faithful couple in a distressed area of Capetown. They also travel to Namibia regularly to assist Bennie and the brethren there in evangelism efforts. Sandra is involved in the leadership of the annual Christian Women’s Leadership Conference. They have also been invited as teachers at the Annual Workshop for church members on the campus of George Benson Christian College on the Namwianga Mission in Zambia. Rohan directs the Capetown School of Preaching, offering advanced Biblical Instruction for existing preachers in the area as well as for any interested member of the church.
David & Paula Tarbet
New England

David Tarbet received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Abilene Christian University and the Master of Arts in Religion from Fairfield University. After devoting 50 years to preaching for local congregations in Connecticut, New Mexico and Texas, David retired from preaching in 2010. His long-term dream was to return to New England to help Churches of Christ grow numerically and spiritually. David edits Christ for Today, an undenominational direct mail publication for those seeking truth, devoted to the teachings of Jesus and is apostles. http://www.christfortoday.org He also serves as volunteer Director of The White Rock Fund, a non-profit organization which provides grants to Churches of Christ for the support of over 60 missionary efforts around the world.

Elangwe & Magdalene Gregory
Wotutu, Cameroon

Elangwe Gregory is the Director of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon - Wotutu. The Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu (CBIW) was established on January 3, 2011. In January of 2015, the name was changed to Bear Valley Bible Institute of Cameroon - Wotutu (BVBIC-Wotutu). BVBIC- Wotutu is an English speaking preacher training school. It is overseen by the South Twin Cities church of Christ in Rosemount, Minnesota and is affiliated with the Bear Valley Bible Institute International in Denver, Colorado.
Christ Haven for Children
Keller, TX

Christ’s Haven for Children provides a warm, loving, Christian environment in which children in need of basic care can grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our goal is to provide love and support for children in need and their families. Our trauma-informed-family-based model of care encourages our children and teens to heal from their past trauma and envision and embrace a bright future.

Foster's Home For Children
Stephenville, TX

Sherwood Foster, oilman and rancher, with his wife Myrtie, founded the home named in their honor in 1985. Children came to live at the first house in 1960. Since its humble beginnings, Foster’s Home has served over 4,000 children and is affiliated with the churches of Christ.Because of dreamers like the Fosters, hurting children have a place to call home. Children today are counting on others to carry on the dream begun by these pioneers.
Wayne Jackson\Christian Courier
Jackson, TN

The Christian Courier began as a small Bible study journal mailed to readers each month. It was designed to present the teaching of Jesus in a simple, lucid style not characterized by ostentation or inflated language. It is written for average Christians — to help them become more knowledgeable in God’s Word, to fortify their faith in the Savior, and to equip them for defending the truth and living righteously in a sinful world.
The first issue was mailed to readers in May of 1965. In 1998, we launched the Christian Courier on this website. Today it has grown to one of the most visited teaching websites among the churches of Christ, reaching nearly a half-million readers a month.

Matthew & Emma Idowu Fola

Lagos, Nigeria
Bro. Matthew was born on ,1 st October 1960. I had my Secondary Education at Eko Boys High School Lagos in 1983. I later attended Bible School at Ibadan and graduated in August, 2005. He won best academic student award, presented to me by bro. Douglas M. Wheeler. In order to be more effective in the gospel work, he also enrolled at National Open University of Nigeria. The church started supporting me in 2006. His wife, Emma, also has her Secondary school certificate. They are blessed with two children, a boy and a girl. The boy had just sat for his JAMB exam and passed. We hope he would gain admission to University this year after Covid.19 by God's grace. His daughter is in Senior Secondary School.
He started preaching at Isolo on May 6, 2006. The first assignment he carried out was getting permanent site. By the grace of God, they had our first service in our permanent site on the first Sunday of May in 2007. The next assignment was a membership drive. He introduced the annual Indoor lectureship, inviting preachers from member congregations to teach various topics. Today they give glory to God that are doing fine scripturally. He is part of World Bible School, organized in Nigeria by bro. Douglas M. Wheeler. He has moved from one state to the other, yearly. He has been participating in establishment of Churches of Christ with my area and in other Churches outside Lagos State. I was part of those that established the Powerline Church of Christ (The preacher is bro. Waheed Michael), the Jakande Church of Christ (The Preacher is bro Ifreke Umanah), and the Fire bus stop Church of Christ (The preacher bro Olowo Segun), to mention but few. Since last year we have been soliciting for funds in order to establish another Church at Ijagemo area Ikotun. Immediately after Covid-19, he shall start their house to house preaching again
Mission Printing
Arlington, TX

Mission Printing, a work of churches of Christ, is an incorporated, non–profit organization, entirely supported by donations. It has an independent board of directors and is not directly associated with any particular congregation of the church. It was established to provide Bible oriented teaching and study literature to missionaries in many countries around the world, at no cost to them, and is dedicated to bringing the Gospel of our Lord and Savior to a hurting world. Mission Printing uses the Word of God as its guide and inspiration. It is our hope and prayer that our publications will help open the hearts of the lost and will spark an interest in the Bible and Christ